

Shipping rates for orders are calculated based on weight and destination. You may choose your desired carrier and shipping speed at checkout.

After your package ships, Royal Mail, DHL or UPS needs to be contacted if there are issues with delivery or if a package goes missing.



International shipping rates are calculated by weight and destination. We have options for DHL and Royal Mail - both options have excellent rates! You will see all available shipping options and delivery times on the checkout page.

Shipping fees do not include customs charges, customers may have to pay additional fees based on what the carrier requires.

NOTE: FedEx express shipping requires customer to pay express clearance rates, these rates are not included in your JJB shipping costs. To avoid FedEx express delivery fees, contact your local Fedex for options.

Once an international package is scanned by the carrier, it is the carriers responsibility to get the package to you. 


All orders ship within 2-3 business days! We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and fast delivery. If you have any questions please contact us at

Please be aware that orders may take an additional 2-5 Business Days on high volume sales days such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and so on. Order processing times are not guaranteed due to restrictions due to COVID-19.

We cannot offer refunds to orders that are being cleared by customs or any product that cannot be returned to our warehouse. If your package is delayed by your carrier it is the job of the customer to contact the carrier to resolve any issues. JJB cannot issue refunds for product that is being held by the carrier. In the event of a lost package, the carrier is responsible for locating the package for the customer.


Special Instructions: Please do not ask us to have the carrier leave packages, as we are unable to add special requests.

Lost or stolen packages: On occasion packages never arrive at their destination. If you have purchased insurance on your package, please contact us to help you file a claim for any lost package. If you did not purchase insurance, it is the customer's job to contact the carrier and file the claim through the carrier's website.

If the carrier has confirmed delivery of the package, no replacement order will be sent. Claims for missing packages shown as delivered should be handled directly with the carrier or local police department.

FedEx and UPS Delivery: FedEx and UPS do not deliver to PO boxes. 

Insured Packages: Jesse James Beads UK offers additional insurance available at checkout on all orders.